I recently stumbled over a list of all enemies or people that either permanently or temporarily acted against W.i.t.c.h. in my old notes and what became of them and figured it might be a good addition to this website. I set up this list early in the Sovereigns comic project to see which enemies could reappear, which ones were dead or otherwise gone. Since it's not so much of a study but more of a "this is their current status according ot the original comic series" thing, I'm leaving it here under the Memory category.
List of Enemies (Main Comic Series)
BLUE = turned who now work for good
GREEN = defeated but still able to reappear in a story set after the comic series
RED = dead and hence cannot reappear
Elyon -- good - Queen of Meridian
Cedric -- dead - sacrificed himself; Died in Orube's arms
Phobos -- caught - falling endlessly through time in the Abyss surrounding Kandrakar
Frost -- caught - inmate in the Tower of Mist
Vathek -- good - now supports the rebellion and new queen
Vaal -- good - was just serving Endarno as Oracle, doing his duty
Ari -- good - turned good after Maqi was saved and remains the ruler of Arkhanta
Banshee Yua -- good-ish - returned to the swamps and her kin
Astral drops -- good-ish - were granted new lives by Oracle Himerish
Nerissa -- dead - defeated by WITCH and turned to dust
Nerissa's underlings -- good - returned to their true form
Luba -- dead - sacrificed herself to save Caleb
Sylla -- unknown - his memory was deleted
Riddle -- unknown - his memory was deleted
Tecla -- good - brought to Kandrakar to repent and was granted a new life
Folkner -- caught - in his own Ragorlang trap and brought to Kandrakar for safe keeping
Erin -- good - discovered the evil in Tecla's work and returned to her home world
Dr. Takeda -- unknown - was frozen by his own technology
Liam -- dead - killed by the white queen
White Queen -- dead - defeated by WITCH
Nihila -- dead - defeated by Hay Lin
Orristur -- unknown - carried away by a powerful wave
Nashter -- good - had a change of heart, left the Runics and is now on the run
Runics -- unknwon - still plotting evil against Kandrakar somewhere in the universe
Ludmoor -- caught - became a nameless creature made of ink in his own book
Dark Motehr -- caught - imprisoned into a great stone statue in Kandrakar
Dark Mother underling -- dead - hit by fallen rocks
Lady Crash -- dead - ran out of fuel and pulverized
Lady Kamikal -- dead - imploded
Lady Giga -- unknown - "this is not the end" but was said to have failed by her sisters
Enemies from Specials
Tazecatl -- dead
The Fairy -- unknown
Rascal -- unknown - his fate was left to the new village head