Welcome to my Memory Lane!
Here you'll find smaller studies or discovered details of certain pictures or events or certain things that aren't big enough to find space under the main studies.
Have fun!
I recently stumbled over a list of all enemies or people that either permanently or temporarily acted against W.i.t.c.h. in my old notes and what became of them and figured it might be a good addition to this website. I set up this list early in the Sovereigns comic project to see which enemies could reappear, which ones were dead or otherwise gone. Since it's not so much of a study but more of a "this is their current status according ot the original comic series" thing, I'm leaving it here under the Memory category.
List of Enemies (Main Comic Series)
BLUE = turned who now work for good
GREEN = defeated but still able to reappear in a story set after the comic series
RED = dead and hence cannot reappear
Elyon -- good - Queen of Meridian
Cedric -- dead - sacrificed himself; Died in Orube's arms
Phobos -- caught - falling endlessly through time in the Abyss surrounding Kandrakar
Frost -- caught - inmate in the Tower of Mist
Vathek -- good - now supports the rebellion and new queen
Vaal -- good - was just serving Endarno as Oracle, doing his duty
Ari -- good - turned good after Maqi was saved and remains the ruler of Arkhanta
Banshee Yua -- good-ish - returned to the swamps and her kin
Astral drops -- good-ish - were granted new lives by Oracle Himerish
Nerissa -- dead - defeated by WITCH and turned to dust
Nerissa's underlings -- good - returned to their true form
Luba -- dead - sacrificed herself to save Caleb
Sylla -- unknown - his memory was deleted
Riddle -- unknown - his memory was deleted
Tecla -- good - brought to Kandrakar to repent and was granted a new life
Folkner -- caught - in his own Ragorlang trap and brought to Kandrakar for safe keeping
Erin -- good - discovered the evil in Tecla's work and returned to her home world
Dr. Takeda -- unknown - was frozen by his own technology
Liam -- dead - killed by the white queen
White Queen -- dead - defeated by WITCH
Nihila -- dead - defeated by Hay Lin
Orristur -- unknown - carried away by a powerful wave
Nashter -- good - had a change of heart, left the Runics and is now on the run
Runics -- unknwon - still plotting evil against Kandrakar somewhere in the universe
Ludmoor -- caught - became a nameless creature made of ink in his own book
Dark Motehr -- caught - imprisoned into a great stone statue in Kandrakar
Dark Mother underling -- dead - hit by fallen rocks
Lady Crash -- dead - ran out of fuel and pulverized
Lady Kamikal -- dead - imploded
Lady Giga -- unknown - "this is not the end" but was said to have failed by her sisters
Enemies from Specials
Tazecatl -- dead
The Fairy -- unknown
Rascal -- unknown - his fate was left to the new village head
"A place without sleep,
Where dreams cannot make you fly"
That is the riddle the girls are being given by the book of Ludmoor in order to find the gem of air. It is located in the center of
Heatherfield, directly above the highest skyscraper.
In order to reach this magical place Will and Hay Lin have to pass through a storm that literally comes down upon them once they've reached the top of the building. Hay Lin
describes it fittingly as if something had spotted them. Both girls get sucked up into the air, through something that looks like a tornado. They have to walk a while through cotton-like clouds
high up in the air until they reach "the dream", how Hay Lin calls it. A strange palace that seems to consist of ice crystals.
If you look at the picture you can see various creatures at its entrance. The question is, if they are frozen, simple pieces of decoration, or if they are like the gargoyles of Kandrakars tower
of Ice or the big guardian that protects this mysterious place.
I was always wondering what this place is meant for. Is it still being used or is it already abandoned? What is or was its purpose? Who lives or lived there? And
does it have any connection to Kandrakar? After all it is a place in the middle of clouds, only accessable through a tornado or some portal that looks like one and the amount of ice and walking ice guardian reminds a lot of the Ice Tower of the fortress.
Thinking that this whole place of wonder was only created for the rather brainless Eternal Guardian? It doesn't seem right... there would be so many interesting mysteries one could place there!
But I digress. Let's get on with it!
The Eternal Guard awaits the girls on the other side of the cloud bridge. Apparently it eats the other ice sculptures in order to become stronger
and bigger. Its icicles send everyone who touches them into slumber. (Maybe an abstract version of the sandman? Will does describe how the clouds beneath her turn
into sand when she falls asleep) The deeper a person falls into a dream, the further they fall through the clouds, down towards Heatherfield.
After Hay Lin manages to remove the air gem from the Eternal Guardian's chest, it disappears "along with its surroundings". That probably means the entire lovely palace of ice,
Anyway I always loved this tiny excursion into the land of a very unfriendly and cold sandman.
What do you think about the place? What else could it be? I just think it has so much potential besides being the simple lair of a beast.
I bet all of you've seen this very page at some point of your life. Personally I've seen it about a hundred times and still I never noticed something very essential about this page.
A friend of mine told me recently of his discovery:
If you look at the picture closely, there's the Heart of Kandrakar (quite obviously) then some rocks and white fire, then wind and finally rain.
Energy, Earth, Fire, Air and Water. It's so simple and I didn't see it!!!
Thanks to Cole for making me see the importance and meaning of this page from the very first Issue of the comic in a new light.