

W.i.t.c.h., the guardian team we learned to love over the 12 Arc of a comic series have so many facts about them it's hard to cover them all.

Read everything on the different members, their powers, family, likes and dislikes, and much more, or delve into their official Kandrakar missions and the fights they fought without the Oracles permission. Also you can read on the different guardian tests they had to pass and finally, the laws they broke.

Official Missions

Broken Laws

Unofficial Missions

Guardian Tests


Below you'll find all the transformations and uniform sets the girls have worn over the course of the comics. Under "special" you'll also find all the recolors or variations that were done for special issues or covers or merchandise.


Work in progress...


New Power


Normal Life Gallery

W.i.t.c.h. are not just guardians. They're also normal people like you and me, living a normal life with ups and downs, friends and family, love and tragedy. The comics are a lot about the friendship of the five so I took the liberty to pick out the best group images for pure enjoyment.


I'll update the gallery as I work my way through the comics so be sure to check in regularly.