Unknown. The first person that is seen with the crown in the comics is Weira. There the crown is on a little pedestal waiting for Elyon to wear it.
The only real owner of the crown is and has always been Elyon. But it is interesting through how many hands the crown went in the past years.
It starts with Weira as mentioned above. She is the first to be seen to have the crown. She isn't wearing it though, but has it sit on a pedestal until Elyon is old enough.
After the royal couple vanishes, Phobos takes hold of it. He doesn't seem able to do anything with it without his sister, so he leaves it in a big box in the Abyss of Shadows under the castle. In issue ... the box is finally opened and Phobos dips the crown into the remaining essence of the Metaworld. The crown absorbs the essence and supposedly will just as well take all power from Elyon once she wears it. So he goes to his sister telling her it's time for her coronation. They hold a big festivity outside the castle, all of Meridian being there to celebrate. Phobos swings a nice speech and places the crown on Elyon who collapses, taking the crown back and placing it on his own head. But nothing happens because the Elyon was only an astral drop created by the WITCH girls. In the following chaos of riots and fires and fighting, the crown finds its way back to the castle and into the Abyss of Shadows with Cedric as its guard. WITCH defeat Cedris and Elyon gets to wear it for the very first time, marking the start of her rule.
This is not the end of it however. Some time later Phobos infiltrates Kandrakar and is half way through becoming Oracle, demanding the crown and Elyon along with it. Elyon slips away unseen, taking refuge on Earth while she leaves the crown to Caleb. He places the crown into a round container which then becomes impenetrabale, protected by a spell only the Light of Meridian can open. There it it sits and waits until Will arrives. By that time Elyon has been captured and imprisoned but was able to safe her last bit of light and have it brought to Will. The keeper now uses this light to open the container and free the crown. They take the crown to Kandrakar placing it on a person who looks like Elyon but no! It is Cedric! He then goes to Phobos braging about the crown and blackmailing Phobos. If Cedric gets Meridian, nobody needs to know about Phobos impersonating a member of Kandrakar to become Oracle. They strike a deal but by the time they return to the congegation, WITCH arrive with Elyon in tow and the crown once again returns to its owner, Elyon of the Escanor Dynasty. And there it stays until the end of the comics.