There is much left in the dark when it comes to Meridian and the world of Metamoor. What we do know is that since ancient times, there has been a royal family bearing the name Escanor. In most dynasties the royals held great influence on the course of the country so let's take a look at the things we know about the 'Sovereigns of the Metaworld'.
Royal Timeline
If we go with the theory, that Escanor is from the 5th century (read below) and know that Elyon started her rule in the 20th (issue 5), the rest is simple math. For now let's go with 6 regents: Escanor and Leryn as a couple and after that the 5 queens we get to see in issue 7. I'm leaving Phobos out because he just took away some years from Weira's reign, assuming she would've ruled until Elyon came of age.
(2000-500)/6 = 250
If we say each regent roughly ruled for about 250 years, we get the following set-up:
Escanor & Leryn
Turquoise Queen
Blue Queen
Red-Blue Queen
Red Queen
Phobos (?)
5th until mid 7th
mid 7th until 10th
10th until mid 12th
mid 12th until 15th
15th until mid 17th
mid 17th until 19th (?)
20th (?)
20th +
How Phobos fits in here is still difficult to say.
Here are some things we know:
Now what can we make of this mess? I think the only explanation is that both van Dahl and Galgeitha with little Elyon travelled through time when leaving Meridian. van Dahl travelled back into the 17th century where artists were a big thing and Galgeitha travelled forward. That, or the comic simply used comic time which allows you to mess with the forces of time however you please.
Escanor the Brave
Escanor was a prince from 'Briton', Earth. He is depicted in his mid-age with a strong build, fully armed and sword in hand. When an outside force, the Kahedrin, fell into Metamoor the Galhot asked Kandrakar for assistance. The Oracle at the time, specifically chose Escanor, seeing in him the saviour the world needed. The prince set out with four trusted comrades: Hoel, Didier, Grendal and Brandis. Together, they rode into battle, alongside the Galhot who were mostly on foot judging by the few images we got of the battle.
In the end it was up to Escanor to fight king Morgon, leader of the Kahedrin and according to Vathek the fight of the two became legendary in Metamooran history. But why that fight was legendary is never explained. After victory, the Galhot offered the throne of the now united land to Escanor but he hesitated. Leryn was still on Earth. When she finally joined him, the couple became the first 'Sovereigns' of Meridian, in other words: king and queen. Meridian was founded in their honour (it's unclear if this refers to the city or the region).
References to the Arthur Legend
(Thanks to Adam Power on Instagram for the hint!)
There are several references to the Arthur Legend, one of them is the name of the place Escanor supposedly originates from: 'Briton'. In the 5th century southern England was called Briton. This is also the time the legend of King Arthur is roughly set. In the many tales we also find characters with familiar names. We have two by the name of Escanor and one by the name of Hoel.Escanor the Handsom was killed, however his uncle, Escanor the Large's fate is unknown. He was the son of a giant and a witch and was said to have powers like Gawaine. Now, Gawaine once took out an entire army by himself and his power and strength was said to increase every day at noon, while they lessened over midnight, repeating this up and down of power each day. Hoel was of royal blood being listed as a king of Brittany and supposed nephew of Arthur. In some tales he is a knight of the round table which gave him the name Sir Howel.
Like her husband, Leryn only appears in the Elyon special and once in the special of Cornelia and Caleb. According to these issues, Leryn was the very first queen of Metamoor. Still, when Elyon is confronted by the ghosts of former queens in issue 7 she is not seen. We can only speculate on the reasons behind this. Leryn's story could have been invented at a later time, or she might not "count" as a queen since she shared her rule with her husband Escanor, while the other queens followed the "only a queen can rule" law. Other than being Escanors' wife, we know that Leryn was very fond of her life on Earth, which is why the decision whether to follow Escanor to the strange Metaworld or stay behind and live without him took her so long. In the end she followed him but asked the masters of the court to brew her a potion. By drinking it, she forgot everything of her life on Earth. But wouldn't that include most of her marriage with Escanor? The effects and results of the potion were never elaborated, only that Elyon, many centuries later still has said potion and offers it to Cornelia and that it is called "The Leryn Solution".
Matriarchal Rule
Issue 7 is the only issue that shows us more of Elyon's predecessors. Five queens in total appear Elyon to guide her on her way of becoming queen. Up front is Weira, Elyon's mother and the only queen we know at least a little bit about. Three of the queens reappear in the same issue in portraits hanging on the walls of an old building, possibly a former palace that is no longer in use. Again, we can only guess at who these women are, what they did or whether they are the only regents of Metamoor. If there were more then the question would be, why the others weren't shown.
The women claim that Meridian (not Metamoor?) has always been ruled by a queen,
not a king. Something Weira references on again in a memory in issue 46 where young Phobos wants to hold the Crown of Light. In issue 10, Phobos explains to Elyon that the power of the royals,
probably meaning their magic, is only passed down along the female like and that this happens through coming off age or with the coronation. So one theory for the
law of female-only rule could be this phenomenon of passing on ones powers. In a world like Metamoor that is filled with magic, owning a considerable amount of power truly might be necessary in
order to rule over it.
One smaller thing the picture above shows is this: The gowns all seem inspired by the fashion of Earth's renaissance era and are held in the colors of blue, red, gold and white.The gowns could be an indicator to the order in which the queens ruled, starting with turquoise or light teal at the back, over to light blue, red with blue, red with gold and finally Weira with her dark blue and gold dress. She is also the only woman with dark red, almost brown hair.
Weira is the mother of Phobos and Elyon and former queen of Metamoor. She appears as a ghost or memory in the issues 7, 12 and 46, as well as in the Elyon special. She mentions Elyon's father only once, saying that he would love to be with his daughter as much as she. Apparently, the royal couple has disappeared without a trace when Elyon was still a baby. Due to her ghostly appearences I think we can surmise that they both died or at least live somewhere they cannot return from.
Of Weira's rule as a royal there is nothing known. She appears to be a kind hearted woman towards Elyon, dedicated, speaking to her about truth, forgiveness, family and bravery. Yet Van Dahl says that life before Phobos' rule was bad, too and that he only made it worse. It makes one wonder what Weira did or maybe didn't do during her time as queen. She is the first Escanor to be seen with the Crown of Light, however she is not wearing it herself but saving it for her daughter. As for the relationship between Weira and Phobos we only see a small scene where Phobos tries to reach the crown and Weira slaps his hand saying it is only for his sister to wear, the true ruler of
Metamoor. In issue 12 she calls Phobos weak and asks Elyon to help him.
Prince Phobos
Phobos is the son of Weira and older brother of Elyon. After the disappearance of the royal couple Weira and her husband, he took over the throne since Elyon was only a baby then.
He had all depictions of himself destroyed and all those who had once created one of him hunted down. Elias van Dahl escaped to Earth in the 17th century but Cedric tracked him down and Phobos decided to imprison him in one of his own works for all eternity. Van Dahl also asks the girls if they looked at Phobos too long or stepped too close, acts which apparently were being punished severely by the prince.
In multiple issues Phobos states that he already had the plan to absorb Elyon's essence. Since the females of the royal line can inherit power and with Weira being gone, he probably surmised that Elyon would turn out to become very powerful and decided to either stop her or take the power for himself. But his plan was thwarted by Galgeitha. She was working as a nurse in the palace and had been entrusted with the baby princess. Together with the captain of the guard and an army commander, they used a Seal of Phobos to flee to Earth. Phobos, in absence of Elyon's power, started harnessing the power of the world itself, draining it over time, making it dismal and dark. At the same time, the prince started building an army. Over and over he sent out troops across the kingdom, raiding villages for soldiers to join his forces. In one of the issues Cedric says that Phobos overthrew several worlds, however we never get to know which ones or what happened to them. It is probably due to all this that the Brotherhood in Kandrakar decided to create the Veil. Phobos was lashing out and so they built a magical barrier to keep him and his darkness confined in Metamoor. As a reaction, Phobos focused his efforts to destroy the barrier, causing rifts. The reasons for this change. One time it is to let the people of Metamoor out so he can have Meridian to himself, other times it is so he can conquer new worlds, and sometimes it is so he can finally flee his cage called Metamoor. He even states that driving Metamoor to its doom is part of the plan. Of cause finding his sister is very important to him as well, which is why he is mostly interested in Earth where he apparently knows Galgheita has fled to. He charges the alchemist Ludmoor with the task to open portals to Earth, in which the man succeeds, while Cedric and Vathek are supposed to search for Elyon.
Phobos never showed himself to the public during his reign, at least not until Elyon arrived. He withdrew into his garden, only appearing to his most entrusted follower Cedric on rare occasion. Everything else was handled through his court of whisperers. Creatures he had created from the plants inside the garden. The whisperers repeat Phobos' own words in echoes and serve as his guards, servants, his eyes and ears and sometimes punish in his stead with long spears that have some kind of magic. One of these whisperers was Caleb. At some point he turned against his master, evolving somehow on his own and left the castle to start a rebellion. Among the big trees and colourful fauna, Phobos resided the entire time. We never see a bed or other kind of furniture that would indicate someone living there, but there is a spring in which he bathes, being waded on by his whisperers.
Phobos has created a lot of things in his time. The Whisperers, the Annihilators, the Seal of Phobos, the black roses along with a multitude of other plantslife.
The thing Phobos is famous for are without a doubt the black roses. Early in his reign, people who came to the palace in search for mercy from their ruler. The roses were a task for the gardener Daltar and should serve as a protective shield. He wanted a lethal plant, growing into a thick and insurmountable wall to shield off the palace from Meridian. To 'motivate' the gardener Phobos turned his wife and daughter into the first roses. Daltar could no longer say no and not only tended to roses but created many more over the years. If pricked by their thorns one becomes a rose oneself. When Will gets pricked, the Heart of Kandrakar saves her from the magic but for a moment Will can hear the pleading and desperate voices of the many roses.
More to come soon...
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